We understand as we got busy as well. As far as your situation where you are in need of a home we strongly recommend that you give us a call at 541-663-1066. Aside from calling our office we do have the two properties currently open at 2005 2nd Street, and 1704 2nd Street. Look at our availability page to get more information on either unit or give us a call. As far as your situation if you stopped by our office we could at very least help point you in the right direction to find a place to call home for you and your family. We strongly recommend getting in contact with either Community Connections or Northeast Oregon Housing Authority. Without talking to you in person to get more information we are unable to help you out anymore that tell you what we have open, tell where else you can look for more units/help, and answer any questions you have on our units.
Here is a list of companies that might be able to help and a way to contact them. We strongly recommend making Community Connections or Northeast Oregon Housing Authority your first call.
If there are any other questions we can help you with let us know, or if your want to set up an appointment to see a place, give us a call at 541-663-1066 between the hours of 9:30-11:30 am; 1-5 pm.
Sorry I never got back to you guys. I'm still homeless and now jobless on top of I'm 11weeks pregnant. I need a 1 bedroom 1 bath place for now until I can get something bigger. If you can help me it would be greatly appreciated. I would like to be able to get ready for my baby to be here, but I can't living on the streets. My number is 5417867464.
We are sorry to hear about your circumstance and would be glad to help you. What kind of a place are you looking for? Such as; number of bedrooms, price range, location, or what other factors you are looking for. Under the availability tab we have a current list of everything we have available. You are more than welcome to stop by, or call us. And remember that looking at places doesn't require an application. I am sorry that it took us so long to get back to you we are not open on Sunday's, and we were very busy yesterday and today. Hence why this is going out after hours. But in your case the best thing we can recommend without more information is that you look at listings from several property management companies at once since you have limited time and see what looks the best. Here are some other companies you can check out if you dont find what you are looking for through us.
Century 21- https://www.century21eaglecaprealty.com/
North East Oregon Housing Authority - https://neoha.org/properties/current-vacancies/
Pine Hurst appartments - http://www.viridianmgt.com/
And then there is also Valley Reality that you can try but according to thier website they dont have anything open but their phone number is (541) 963-4174 .
Once again, and from everyone in our office, we are sorry to hear about your situation and we hope that even if we cant help you find a place through us you can find somewhere to go. If you have any questions and want a faster response, or if you just want to talk more in depth about your situation feel free to call us at 541-663-1066. Our hours are 9:30 - 11:30am , 1-5pm and anyone in the office would be more than happy to answer questions or see a property we have for rent.
We are looking for a place not to expensive I work part-time at Headstart. I haven't rented before, but my boyfriend has. We got kicked out of his mom's house and we desperately need a place to get out of the weather and call our own till we can get back on our feet. I have an application filled out I just don't have the $25 app fee till I get paid tomorrow and if my check goes through in time. My number is 5412192272 and my name is Shanda. By any chance if you can't reach me my boyfriend's number is 5417868366 his name is Troy. Thanks
Hello Shanda Panda,
We understand as we got busy as well. As far as your situation where you are in need of a home we strongly recommend that you give us a call at 541-663-1066. Aside from calling our office we do have the two properties currently open at 2005 2nd Street, and 1704 2nd Street. Look at our availability page to get more information on either unit or give us a call. As far as your situation if you stopped by our office we could at very least help point you in the right direction to find a place to call home for you and your family. We strongly recommend getting in contact with either Community Connections or Northeast Oregon Housing Authority. Without talking to you in person to get more information we are unable to help you out anymore that tell you what we have open, tell where else you can look for more units/help, and answer any questions you have on our units.
Here is a list of companies that might be able to help and a way to contact them. We strongly recommend making Community Connections or Northeast Oregon Housing Authority your first call.
If there are any other questions we can help you with let us know, or if your want to set up an appointment to see a place, give us a call at 541-663-1066 between the hours of 9:30-11:30 am; 1-5 pm.
Rental/Housing Companies in La Grande
Century 21- www.century21eaglecaprealty.com/
North East Oregon Housing Authority - neoha.org/properties/current-vacancies/
Pinehurst apartments - www.viridianmgt.com/
Valley Realty (541) 963-4174.
John J Howard -- www.johnjhoward.com/
Catherine Creek -- catherinecreekpm.com/
NK West Apartments -- 541-963-3149
Community Connections Public -- www.ccno.org/
DHS -- www.oregon.gov/DHS/Offices/Pages/Self-Sufficiency.aspx -- (541) 967-2078
Sorry I never got back to you guys. I'm still homeless and now jobless on top of I'm 11weeks pregnant. I need a 1 bedroom 1 bath place for now until I can get something bigger. If you can help me it would be greatly appreciated. I would like to be able to get ready for my baby to be here, but I can't living on the streets. My number is 5417867464.
Here is a more updated list to help with anyone reading these messages.
Century 21- https://www.century21eaglecaprealty.com/
North East Oregon Housing Authority - https://neoha.org/properties/current-vacancies/
Pine Hurst appartments - http://www.viridianmgt.com/
Valley Reality (541) 963-4174.
John J Howard -- http://www.johnjhoward.com/
Catherine Creek -- https://catherinecreekpm.com/
NK West Apparements -- 541-963-3149
Hello, Shanda Panda
We are sorry to hear about your circumstance and would be glad to help you. What kind of a place are you looking for? Such as; number of bedrooms, price range, location, or what other factors you are looking for. Under the availability tab we have a current list of everything we have available. You are more than welcome to stop by, or call us. And remember that looking at places doesn't require an application. I am sorry that it took us so long to get back to you we are not open on Sunday's, and we were very busy yesterday and today. Hence why this is going out after hours. But in your case the best thing we can recommend without more information is that you look at listings from several property management companies at once since you have limited time and see what looks the best. Here are some other companies you can check out if you dont find what you are looking for through us.
Century 21- https://www.century21eaglecaprealty.com/
North East Oregon Housing Authority - https://neoha.org/properties/current-vacancies/
Pine Hurst appartments - http://www.viridianmgt.com/
And then there is also Valley Reality that you can try but according to thier website they dont have anything open but their phone number is (541) 963-4174 .
Once again, and from everyone in our office, we are sorry to hear about your situation and we hope that even if we cant help you find a place through us you can find somewhere to go. If you have any questions and want a faster response, or if you just want to talk more in depth about your situation feel free to call us at 541-663-1066. Our hours are 9:30 - 11:30am , 1-5pm and anyone in the office would be more than happy to answer questions or see a property we have for rent.
We are looking for a place not to expensive I work part-time at Headstart. I haven't rented before, but my boyfriend has. We got kicked out of his mom's house and we desperately need a place to get out of the weather and call our own till we can get back on our feet. I have an application filled out I just don't have the $25 app fee till I get paid tomorrow and if my check goes through in time. My number is 5412192272 and my name is Shanda. By any chance if you can't reach me my boyfriend's number is 5417868366 his name is Troy. Thanks