We understand as we got busy as well. As far as your situation where you are in need of a home we strongly recommend that you give us a call at 541-663-1066. Aside from calling our office we do have the two properties currently open at 2005 2nd Street, and 1704 2nd Street. Look at our availability page to get more information on either unit or give us a call. As far as your situation if you stopped by our office we could at very least help point you in the right direction to find a place to call home for you and your family. We strongly recommend getting in contact with either Community Connections or Northeast Oregon Housing Authority. Without talking to you in person to get more information we are unable to help you out anymore that tell you what we have open, tell where else you can look for more units/help, and answer any questions you have on our units.
Here is a list of companies that might be able to help and a way to contact them. We strongly recommend making Community Connections or Northeast Oregon Housing Authority your first call.
If there are any other questions we can help you with let us know, or if your want to set up an appointment to see a place, give us a call at 541-663-1066 between the hours of 9:30-11:30 am; 1-5 pm.
Hello Shanda Panda,
We understand as we got busy as well. As far as your situation where you are in need of a home we strongly recommend that you give us a call at 541-663-1066. Aside from calling our office we do have the two properties currently open at 2005 2nd Street, and 1704 2nd Street. Look at our availability page to get more information on either unit or give us a call. As far as your situation if you stopped by our office we could at very least help point you in the right direction to find a place to call home for you and your family. We strongly recommend getting in contact with either Community Connections or Northeast Oregon Housing Authority. Without talking to you in person to get more information we are unable to help you out anymore that tell you what we have open, tell where else you can look for more units/help, and answer any questions you have on our units.
Here is a list of companies that might be able to help and a way to contact them. We strongly recommend making Community Connections or Northeast Oregon Housing Authority your first call.
If there are any other questions we can help you with let us know, or if your want to set up an appointment to see a place, give us a call at 541-663-1066 between the hours of 9:30-11:30 am; 1-5 pm.
Rental/Housing Companies in La Grande
Century 21- www.century21eaglecaprealty.com/
North East Oregon Housing Authority - neoha.org/properties/current-vacancies/
Pinehurst apartments - www.viridianmgt.com/
Valley Realty (541) 963-4174.
John J Howard -- www.johnjhoward.com/
Catherine Creek -- catherinecreekpm.com/
NK West Apartments -- 541-963-3149
Community Connections Public -- www.ccno.org/
DHS -- www.oregon.gov/DHS/Offices/Pages/Self-Sufficiency.aspx -- (541) 967-2078